VIII. They’re Gone

VII. Spinning Out


The bar was quiet last night.

The bar was quiet the night before, too.

The bar was quiet last night,
the crowds on Sixth were pretty light,
and the surge wasn’t the same just after two.

There’s a little bit of flow on 35
and there’s a little shorter line just up the street.
It’ll all come back alive,
but in the meantime, few arrive,
and those of us still here all slow our beat.

The bar was quiet last night.

The bar was quiet the night before, too.

The bar was quiet last night,
the crowds on Sixth were pretty light,
and the surge wasn’t the same just after two.


IX. The Last Beautiful Day of the Year

Some essays, but mostly blogging about Notre Dame. On Twitter at @StuartNMcGrath
Posts created 413

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