The Barking Crow’s Best Moments of 2022

First of all, thanks to everyone who’s submitted so far to The Barking Crow’s Best of 2022 collections. If you’ve yet to make submissions and you’d like to do that, send them over to, or message us on Twitter or Instagram. Categories remaining are…

  • The Barking Crow’s Best Work of 2022
  • The Barking Crow’s Silliest Work of 2022
  • The Barking Crow’s Right-est Work of 2022
  • The Barking Crow’s Wrong-est Work of 2022

Now. The Barking Crow’s Best Moments of 2022:

January 12th: Fargo Meets Chapo

January was a little tough for the blog, and especially for our four-legged content creator, Fargo, who was eventually diagnosed with IBD after roughly a dozen trips to the veterinarian and three nights in the hospital. Thankfully, in the middle of that, our vet’s barn cat walked in our open windows and sat on the dashboard, which didn’t really help or hurt anything but was an absolute riot. God bless you, Chapo the cat.

February 3rd: Fargo Takes a Dump in the Ice Storm

I promise this is the last Fargo moment for a few months, but in a heroic act, Fargo used her butt to save our butt during a difficult week, managing to squeeze one out in the backyard even as said backyard flooded with the beginnings of what would become quite the rink. Heroic action that kept the year moving along.

March: The 2022 NIT

How could we pick just one instance from this glorious month? We’ve linked to One Shining MomeNIT instead. What a year.

April 22nd: ‘Call Me Maybe’ Wins Bangers III

And we didn’t even get a visit from Mr. Darkside.

June 1st: Country Donuts Gets Its Due

As springtime began to recede, our hometown donut shop from back in Crystal Lake was rightfully named to Yelp’s “Top 11 US Donut Shops 2022” list. Hopefully someone shared the good news with Robbie Gould.

June 8th: We Get a New Captive Audience

This actually happened a month earlier, but with the birth of NIT Stu’s niece and goddaughter, the bark grew louder. It’s important for us to have a toehold in the next generation.

June 14th: New Mexico Wins State Flags Bracket III

June was a big month, not least because it brought us together in exultation over the glory of the Zia sun.

August 12th: The 2023 and 2024 NIT Final Four Locations Are Announced

A gigantic day for NIT fans, and importantly for the NIT, neither of the locations are Frisco.

August 17th: Joe Kelly Punks the Astros Yet Again

Joe Kelly dealt with a lot this year—playing for the White Sox, playing under Tony La Russa, getting hurt a few times—but he was also dominant for a few stretches, and one of those included reminding the Astros who daddy is.

August 31st: Cowcohol Debuts

In the biggest accomplishment to date in the war in Ukraine (KIDDING), Russian vodka’s elimination from the market began with the introduction of milk-based vodka from TMK Creamery in Oregon.

September 10th: Iowa State Breaks the Streak

This is a little personal for Joe, but we’ve given plenty of things that are personal for Stu. In September, Iowa State got back on the board against Iowa in football, notching a relieving win in Iowa City after six straight defeats.

November 18th: Fargo Launches a Brief But Successful Coup

Incredible work by the pup this day, bookending the year.

December 5th: We Learn How to Defeat Evil Robots

No, it’s not the splashiest way to end the year. But boy, could it matter down the line.


In addition to suggestions for the rest of our Best of 2022 collection, please send in moments we missed, or moments you await in 2023. We’ll try to include your responses as the week goes on.

Some essays, but mostly blogging about Notre Dame. On Twitter at @StuartNMcGrath
Posts created 413

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