PSA: There’s a website that helps you figure out how many pizzas to buy.

I threw a little party last night. I’m not trying to brag, but it happened. A party was thrown.

My folks were in town, seeing our apartment and making sure NIT Stu survived New York, and since they hadn’t visited since we moved down, I thought we could have some friends over to watch the Final Four games (don’t worry—NIT Stu was wholly disinterested). You know, let the parents meet the friends, let the friends meet the parents, give everyone an environment in which they didn’t have to be into the basketball games but had an answer if asked about what they were doing for the basketball games.

But all of that is only context.

What matters is that in the process of getting food for this party, I discovered there’s a website that will actually tell you how much pizza to order based on the type of pizza, the number of guests, how hungry the guests are, how big the pizzas are, etc. It doesn’t work great for deep dish, I’d imagine, but it’s at least a starting point, and it did a pretty good job for Detroit-style pizza, albeit with a little geometry on the side (had to convert circle size to rectangle size).

Maybe I’m alone in this, but this feels like a fairly significant development by humanity. It’s hard to know how much pizza to buy! It’s easy to end up with too much pizza! It’s easy to end up with too little pizza, people getting a little too drunk, and the problems that happen when people have empty stomachs and fully employed livers!

So, if you’re ever looking for the answer, and the question is how much pizza you should buy, rest assured. The Internet™ is there for you.

Here’s the link:

Some essays, but mostly blogging about Notre Dame. On Twitter at @StuartNMcGrath
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