Penguin Town Is Charming, Nature Is Terrifying

Guys. I did it. I watched Penguin Town. The first three episodes.

My wife helped. She watched with me. The puppy helped too. She slept on the ground while we watched it. Did get up at one point to stare enamored at the penguins, but that passed quickly. She was tired. We’d had to zoom her out of a church’s garden earlier.

Anyway, Penguin Town is as delightful as it looks, at least through three episodes. If you consider yourself someone who would like to be best friends with a penguin, I would imagine you’ll enjoy it. It does, though, remind the viewer of something:

Nature is deadly.

Holy bajeebers. Not a lot of penguins make it, guys. The show isn’t sad, but it does drive home the point. Over here, I just got all anxious because the puppy coughed six times and I got worried we wouldn’t be able to board her when we go to Crystal Lake soon, while penguins’ concerns are: “Is a seal going to eat me while I fish? Is a mongoose going to eat my children while I fish? Is the heat going to kill my mate while I fish? Are my new feathers going to grow in and make me waterproof before I die so I can fish?”

And that’s just penguins! Think about the seals—gotta watch for sharks. Think about the sharks—gotta watch for seals (and humans, and killer whales which is still the best plot twist nature has thrown at us, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about google “orcas eat great white sharks” and while we’re on the topic google “orcas shake down fishing boats”). I mean, yeah, we have predators. Each other. Cancer. The novel coronavirus. But wow, the top of the food chain is a relieving place to be.

Looking forward to the next five episodes.

Editor. Occasional blogger. Seen on Twitter, often in bursts: @StuartNMcGrath
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