Fargo Friday: Two Sides to Every Barf

This is Fargo:

She has something to say.

MMMMHEEEELLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, NEW OR OLD FRIENDS! *waggle waggle waggle stomp stomp stomp head-buck-like-a-horse waggle waggle jump boop scramble-on-the-hardwood*

it is me. Fargo. the dog. and i am here to tell you that YOU HAVE NOT YET HEARD BOTH SIDES OF THE BARF STORY

there is a story going around, partially true, that i barfed on the inside of my cone last week. just a little barf. it was not a lot of barf. this cannot be emphasized enough. not that much barf, guys. anyhoo, the story says that the barf was stinky.


after they cleaned me off (it was very sad there was a hose involved we were outside in the dark i was a good girl but it was a sad situation and i would like to point out that they laughed at me)…the smell came back. YES. two days later…stinky again! now no…i was not as stinky as before, but it still smelled a little bit. and now i have to get ahead of a different narrative.

there are some saying that the smell came back because there was barf INSIDE my ears. ERRONEOUS! well. possibly erroneous. there was something in my ears but you cannot prove that it was barf.

anyway, yeah, got an ear infection, the people are supposed to clean my ears and put ointment down one of them and it’s messed up but it’s also messy which i guess is kind of fun i do appreciate a good mess, and it sounds like the ear infection is the thing making me smell so rancid (which is not that bad i do not understand why it is that bad this is the dead squirrel thing all over again i am telling you guys i can sneak up on so many preys this way they will smell something and say ‘whoa boy stinky that smells like a garbage’ and i will say IT IS NOT A GARBAGE IT IS ME FARGO and then i will gobble them up and possibly barf a little of them back up again).

adios i am tired it is the afternoon which is my nap time.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
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