Fargo Friday: The Pup’s Belly Button Is Fine

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.

ooooooOOOOOHHHHH heeeLLOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*the most furious of waggles*

went to the vet yesterday.


but was still excited.

just a little more distant with my booty shaking.

and at one point i hid behind the male.

it turns out that my belly button is fine. it has grown (haven’t we all), but that is not a problem. just a little dislodged fat plug, no intestines poking through, which thank goodness for that. i did not want to wear the cone again. my ears are stinky enough already.

with that settled, on to more important matters.

THERE IS A NEW DOG IN THE BUILDING HIS NAME IS RIVER HE IS TINY i am so confused by him river why are you so small i was small once but then i stopped being small maybe you should do that too SO WE CAN PLAY!!!!!!!!!!

we do still play sometimes. in the elevator the other day i jumped over him. all four paws. everyone was very impressed.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
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