Fargo Friday: The Pup Did (Half) a Backflip

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh heckums, heckums, heckums you guys. we had ourselves an incident this week.

what happened was this:

one of my many best friends (Mariah, has two legs) was over to say hello to me. we were playing with The Orange Ball. she threw it over my head. i, being a talented athlete, tracked it. straight up. backwards.

eventually (picture this happening in slow motion it will help with the timing here), the ball was so far beyond me that i needed to turn around to see where it was. but i did not turn around. i kept watching The Orange Ball. up. and backwards. it is very captivating, The Orange Ball is.

as you well know if you have ever tracked The Orange Ball backwards as it flies straight over your head, at some point you will not be able to follow it anymore, as your wee neck is simply too inflexible.

this is what happened to me.

which is why i jumped.

and landed straight on my back.

the reaction from the people in the room was *intense.*

i am told that what i did was approximately half of one backflip. evidently, the key to doing a full backflip is continuing to flip over, so you can land on your feet, but i think this is dumb. if you do that, you will be facing the same direction you started. The Orange Ball will be behind you. (people are so stupid sometimes)

where i landed, i was one quick roll over from POUNCING on The Orange Ball again as it bounced against the door. and so i did. and so the game continued.

The Orange Ball never saw it coming.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
Posts created 54

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