Fargo Friday: The No-Barf Streak Is Over

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.


*You know what’s coming. It’s the butt wag. It’s the boops. It’s the stippy-stomps. It is a 60-pound puppy jumping all the heck all over you because she LOVES you even and perhaps especially if she has never before met you. You smell great, by the way. Everything smells great.*

i barfed.


i barfed twice.

i had made it more than a month without a barf, which is a record for me, but sometimes, you barf, and these times, i barfed.

it was, of course, not my fault. the first time they gave me a peanut butter bone (delicious in all three directions, by the way—down, up, back down) shortly after dinner. the second time they put me in the car to daycare too shortly after breakfast. so i barfed. sue me (go ahead try it i will wear the cutest pantsuit to court you will be THROWN IN JAIL).

anyway, streak broken, new streak begins, i have not barfed in more than nine hours. please give me the boops and the scritches and perhaps a peanut butter bone. just, you know. not too soon after dinner.

UPDATE: We are receiving reports that Fargo got poop on her head today at daycare and they had to give her a bath. Remarkable day.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
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