Fargo Friday: The Dog’s Favorite Neighbors

This is Fargo.

Fargo is our dog.

One of the things that happens when you move to a new neighborhood is that you have new neighbors. Simple enough, you expected that. What you don’t always remember to expect is that your dog will also have new neighbors. Here are Fargo’s favorites so far:


Payton is a riot. Named for the legendary Bears running back, Payton is always down to clown, and he and Fargs have been known to tear it up in Sniff City, the large vacant lot between the office parking lot and the iron shop (or something like that—I don’t know what the hell they’re doing in there) behind our apartment building. Payton, like Fargo, is a doodle, and when they see one another on a walk, they’ve been known to try to cut through traffic to take the most direct route to run in circles around one another while snarling and tangling their leashes.

Barry, Duke

Two more friends who live in the building are Barry and Duke. I think Barry’s the poodle and Duke’s the basset hound, but I need to confirm this. Need, not want. I must not disrespect Barry and Duke. Barry and Duke don’t quite match Fargo’s sheer riotousness, but their person is really nice to Fargs and tolerates being jumped on, so we’re putting them high on the list.

Hermes, Apollo

A pair of Boston terriers down the street, Fargo sees these guys a lot of mornings when she’s out for a stroll. Today, she laid down and played with Hermes for ten minutes. She did not play with Apollo. She tried to play with Apollo, but Apollo was in a terrible mood. Fargo and Hermes were hugging (after Hermes did a little butt wiggle a lot and Fargo thwomped him with her paw and is my dog dating a Boston terrier?) and Apollo came up and bit Hermes’s ear. Multiple times. Didn’t mess with Fargo, though. Fargo is at least four times bigger than these dogs. Which made the hugging quite cute.

Thumpy? And Others

I can’t believe I’m forgetting this name but it’s either Thumpy or something like it. Bernese mountain dog, so shares some DNA with our girl. We see him at the dog park. Like all Bernese mountain dogs, he is a barrel of joy. Like all barrels of joy, Fargo loves him. Good zooming partner.

There are others out there too—including one I think is named Ziggy who we just met today—but as you can tell, struggling to remember their names. Fargo probably doesn’t know their names either (considering she’s a dog and all), so we should be good. But we’ll keep you posted.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
Posts created 54

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