Fargo Friday: The Dog…On Ice

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.


*slippery scampery slipping scamper to say hello and then oh no that’s a jump and oh no that’s a boop and oh no your paws are so wet holy heck girl you must be cold*

i am not cold.

(i am a little cold.)


it snowed the other night. while i wasn’t looking. it had been raining, and i didn’t like the rain, but when i woke up there was ice and a little bit of snow and i LIKE the ice and a little bit of snow.

i was, as you might imagine, initially quite curious. this was my first “winter storm.” sniffing was in order. i sniffed. i came inside. i went back outside later and sniffed more. this process repeated. it continues to repeat.


1. when you pee it joins the ice and then freezes and becomes a part of it.

this is the only thing i have learned. it’s super cool, though. you go outside and instead of sniffing around for your pee, well, you still sniff around for your pee, actually, but there it is! frozen in ice! like a tree or a rock or the floor.

very fun. would highly recommend. well done, nature.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
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