Fargo Friday: The Dog Met a Cat

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.

HELLO HELLO NO TIME TO WASTE LET US GET DOWN TO BUSINESS oh ok ok yes i would take some scritches thank you that is very nice here take my paw oh yes thank you that is quite lovely ok yes let’s sit on the floor yes my face does need some rubs yes i appreciate that greatly OK TIME FOR BUSINESS

i met a cat.

see the video:

his name is Chapo.

now now, do not fret, i have met plenty of cats before. saw one just the other day, in fact.

but this one met ME! VOLUNTARILY! a big day for the Fargs.

we were waiting outside the veterinarian for the needle that makes me feel better and the food that makes me feel A LOT BETTER (thank you Doctor G) and the other needle that makes me feel better and leaves a big florpy blurp on my shoulder when who should arrive but—you guessed it—Chapo.

hopped right up into the window. gave me some sniffs. walked right across the male’s lap. laid down on the dashboard.

i was a little confused. buckled in by my handy dandy seatbelt, i was unable to charge at Chapo and give him the proper Fargo greeting i reserve for my closest of friends (editor’s note: this includes everybody). yet Chapo, and perhaps this is a cat thing, did not get into the back seat with me to say hello to ME. so strange, cats.

anyhoo, Chapo will now be on the Christmas card list for next year, and i look forward to seeing him the next time i start refusing to eat and stop refusing to poop on the floor (editor’s note: please do not do this, Fargo, we’ve made a lot of vet trips lately). good to meet you, feline friend.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
Posts created 54

One thought on “Fargo Friday: The Dog Met a Cat

  1. Maybe Fargo ride out to see Chapo for a social visit. Who says visits have to be limited to business visits? Just sayin’…

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