Fargo Friday: Playcare Got Canceled Today

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.


*jumping, stomping, opening the door, going to sniff the neighbor’s door (we live in a duplex), coming back in the door, jumping, stomping, wagging, oh so much wagging, all of the wagging, life is good*

i spent an hour in the car this morning.


usually they only make me spend HALF an hour in the car.


a whole hour when i could have been PLAYING.


(do not worry i made up for it.)

it was a normal morning. the alarm rang. the alarm rang again. the alarm rang a third time, and the humans came over and opened the door to my crate (where i had been patiently waiting did not bark once LET THE RECORD SHOW although to be fair i barked so much last night that they had to lie on the floor next to my crate til i calmed down and accepted that playtime was done). we exchanged pets for nuzzles. i flopped my elbows down on the man’s shins. my elbows are a little bony. this is not my fault i just do not see the value in pulling myself up onto the bed when i can flop my top half down on it and still get the scritches and the pets.

ANYWAY yada yada we went outside i used the loo other dogs barked i outbarked them (i always win the bark wars) we came inside i ate breakfast yada yada eventually BOOM i am in the car, headed to day care, where i am accustomed to playing with all the other dogs in the world (it is quite the day care).

we did drive there.

they…did not let me in??





they said they had too many dogs already BUT I HAD AN APPOINTMENT it was so sad. i was geared up for play. my tail was a-waggin. and then no play???? (again do not worry i made up for it when we got home i did NOT stop playing for a long long time when i got home.)

we drove home. THE MAN WAS THERE. i am always excited when i see a person i know.

now, here i am, in the home, not in the day care, still a little confused. i was supposed to be playing with other dogs. now i am playing…with a human??? fun, but he is not as willing to play, making it NOT AS FUN. i have had to bark at him. i have been left with no choice.

the good news, of course, is that this is just letting me store up even more energy, energy that i will unleash on 1) the man, right now 2) the woman, when she gets home 3) our friend who is watching me this weekend 4) all the dogs next week at day care 5) anyone else who dares cross my path until then (feel free to cross my path, friends, it is a fun path to cross, i treat everyone who crosses it to a good big waggle and I DO NOT MEAN TO hit them in the crotch with my paws i am just so excited).

be ready for that, friends.

be ready for that.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
Posts created 54

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