Fargo Friday: Kissing Babies

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.


*a pause and then a frantic, sashaying approach with lots of jumping until you hold both her front paws and she looks you in the eyes and then gets confused and looks away and seems to say, “Will you put me down, please?” but then jumps up again as soon as you let go*

well this is fun.

I AM READY TO PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry. habit to say that when i meet new people.

ok, ok, i have a story to tell. i met another baby. they did not give me food, no, but i also did not tackle them or boop them aggressively, so i was praised for my performance by the press. it was, they said, very cute. they gave me scritches as a reward (and here i was thinking the baby was reward enough).

it happened tuesday night. i was out taking the male for a walk when lo and behold, what to my fur-covered (take me to the groomer please i cannot see) eyes should appear, but a young family, a child, and a stroller that couldn’t steer.

they walked right into my trap.

obviously, when i saw the family, i began to wag my tail. this is common courtesy. you take your person on a walk, you see other people, you wag your tail to let them know that you love them more than anything in the world and would like to be their best friend and oh yes sure you would accept a few pats on the head and perhaps a tousle of the hair and if you would not miiiiiiind dropping to a knee to give me scritches and headrubs i would give some nuzzles in return (and if you do not drop to your knee i will jump on you to make sure you see me).

obviously as well, they pointed me out to their baby. “look at the cute puppy!” they said, and i wagged my tail harder because they were talking about me. up i went, wagging and sniffing away, and the male asked if it was ok if i greeted the child (of course it was ok have you seen me people love me) and the child’s parents said yes and it would have been too late if they said no because i was sniffing the child and the child was giggling (editor’s note: Maybe eight months old? I don’t know babies that well.) and so i gave the child a lick and then i moved on to the mom, who i had to jump on to make sure she saw me, and then i got yanked away on my leash. dratted leash. could’ve danced with a mom on the sidewalk. what more fun could we all have had?

anyhoo, met a baby, kissed a baby, the neighborhood loves the fargs. as they should. going back to snoozle mode now. it is eleven in the morning, after all, and one cannot sleep for seven straight hours and be up in time for supper if one does not start at eleven in the morning.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
Posts created 54

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