Fargo Friday: Eau de Fargo

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.


i smell good.



by a man in the elevator.

i was heading down for my evening walk, standing and holding hands with Whiskey’s person and looking deeply into his soul (i like to look deeply into souls), when the elevator made another stop. NEW FRIENDS, i said with my tail. sure enough, who walked in but my two newest best pals in the world. i was wrestled to the ground by the male. i got up and jumped on the new friends anyway.

at some point in the descent from the third floor to the first, the new friend man and i were face to face, and he exclaimed, “Wow! He smells good!”

he did not realize that i am a girl.


i am a good-smelling dog. i think this is part of why i am so popular. i smell gently sweet, but in a clean way, not in a musty way. this is odd, because i devote myself wholeheartedly to eating others dogs’ poop. also, i lick myself quite often, and nobody has ever accused me of having good breath. but i appreciate it, because as someone who is floofy, people like to bury their face in my fur, and when they are rewarded with that trademark clean & sweet fargolicious scent, they are more likely to give me even more love in the future. and that is what i am ultimately after. maximizing future love.

i recognize, writing this, that not all pups are as fortunate as me in the scent department. believe me, folks. i have sniffed my share of butts. some dogs are stinky! and while that does not bother me, an aficionado of sniffing the butts, it does not help in the quest for snuggles. which is why…

i am inviting any fragrance company out there to, as the kids say, collab.

hit me up, chanel. let’s get eau de fargs going. help the stinky dogs out.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
Posts created 54

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