Fargo Friday: Checking Our Dog’s Horoscope

This is Fargo:

Fargo is our dog.

It’s been a minute since we’ve done Fargo Friday, I think. The girl’s doing well. She’s at daycare today, getting all rowdy with her pals. Yesterday she sat on the head of a friend of the blog while they were lying on the floor of our apartment. She just sat on ‘em. Straight up put her butt on their head.

But we’re not here to talk about Fargo’s choice of chair. We’re here to talk about her horoscope.

Back around Fargo’s birthday, January 4th, we found this article: January 4 Birthday Astrology. Thought we’d check it out.

January 4 Capricorns possess a quirky personality. They are dedicated to acts of kindness on a personal level and acts of humanity on a public level. They are not shy about expressing opinions. They have heartfelt sympathy for the unfortunate and unlucky. They feel it is their duty to draw attention to the plight of such people.

Some of this is correct. She’s definitely quirky, and she’s definitely kind, and her opinions are well-known in this household (#bark). But I don’t think she really cares about the unfortunate or unlucky. In fact, I’m not sure she knows they exist. Normally, when someone is sad, her response is not to try to comfort them. It’s to find someone else who isn’t being such a loser and might be willing to party.

Friends and Lovers

January 4 individuals are extremely vocal about their opinions, and this can be off-putting. They don’t care what sort of message they send, as long as they speak the truth. Their love life is usually colorful. They are attracted to eccentric types. Settling down may not be in the cards for these fun-loving souls.

Ok so at first I thought this was describing Fargo as a friend and a lover, and that would be accurate. That’s evidently only a header here, but were it a description of Fargo, it would be an accurate one. Let the record show.

The rest is spot-on, though. Our girl speaks her truth (usually, that she’s hungry or needs to use the loo). She is also one hundred percent attracted to eccentricity. Catch her at the dog park putting her head under another dog’s outcoming poop.

Children and Family

January 4 men and women have a need to break with the past. They believe in throwing off the conventions of their upbringing to find a truer, more meaningful identity. They allow their children this same freedom. Understanding it is necessary to discipline youngsters, they nonetheless use a light touch.

Moving from Missouri to Austin in her childhood to pursue a career in content creation? Yeah, she broke with her past. Not having kids, though, unless we really got ripped off by that vet last summer.


Although they are healthy in a general way, January 4 men and women often suffer from unusual complaints. These are exacerbated by the fact that they are somewhat lax in their attention to health and fitness matters. Migraine headaches, skin rashes, and periods of mild depression are often symptomatic of their moods.

Does IBD count for this? Because Fargo has IBD. Her intestines are a mess. Also gets pretty bummed when we leave town. Contributes to the IBD flare-ups.

Career and Finances

January 4 people are not particularly career-oriented. They prefer a circuitous route toward finding what they want to do. People born on this date are often fortunate where money is concerned, though they seem to take little interest in financial affairs. Gambling is a favorite pastime of these individuals, but this should not be encouraged.

Uh oh. Wish we’d remembered the gambling part before we had her fill out that NIT bracket. Hopefully she isn’t hooked.

Definitely not career-oriented. Unless there is a career to be had in dropping one’s favorite orange ball beneath the couch, in which case Fargo works on her career for eighty percent of her waking hours. Also, definitely fortunate financially, but that’s necessarily the case with doodles.

Dreams and Goals

The chief goal of January 4 people is to experience life in all its variety. They want to see and do things most people miss because they are concentrating on the more mundane aspects of life. January 4 people delight in the challenges and rewards that come to them unexpectedly. To them, achievement is a relative concept.

The takeaway here is that for Fargo, figuring out that if she steals enough shoes she’ll get a treat in the household barter economy was evidently an achievement. Which, well, yeah. Respect, Fargs. And again, no mundanity.


In sum, astrology is science. They nailed it with our girl. Except for the caring-about-the-unfortunate part. Fargo doesn’t give a shit about the unfortunate.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
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