Fargo Friday: A Dog of Many Meetings

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.

oohhhhhhhhhhh helllooooooo there, friend of mine!

*a big stretch*

*some vigorous waggings of the tail*

*a break for some schlorpings from the water dish*

no comment on the smell (pretty funny prank, though, i got that guy good).

i am here in Texas, and the people are in Maine, and i do not know what Maine is but they said they’d bring me back a stuffed lobster since i MURDERED all my other stuffed, squeaky friends (except for the cow and the dinos and the sheep but the dinos and the sheep are just little friends, it is hard to play tug with little friends), and if they do not, well, i will not know the difference (and i’ll like the orange ball more no matter what, don’t get it twisted).

what am i doing in Texas? well, i am going to meetings, mostly.

this is a thing the people don’t understand. when they drop me off, they say they are dropping me off at “daycare,” but daycare is for children. i am a working dog. i have meetings.

i meet with the other doodles.

i meet with the labs.

i meet with one golden retriever.

it is always a busy day. or days, in this case (yes, i will be working this weekend). from the moment i am released in the morning until the moment i am caged for my midday snoozle, and from the moment i am released in the afternoon until the moment i am caged to go to bed, i hold meetings. meetings, meetings, meetings. my schedule is quite full. what do we do in these meetings? i’m glad you asked.

meetings mainly consist of important business, like wrestling each other and pawing each other and chasing each other and wagging our tails in unison and bowing to each other and mouthing each other and, of course, sniffing each other’s butts (i’m told this last part is about all you do in human meetings as well). like i said. important business.

and that, friends, is why i must go. business to attend to, you see. you all carry on with your leisure. it is time for me to work.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
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