Fargo Friday: A Dog Dog or a People Dog?

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.

ha ha ha ha ha, look at that seal sleeping, what a silly seal trying to look like me, silly seal you are not Fargo, I am Fargo! I AM FARGO! *victorious barking* although i guess perhaps this is why they call you guys pups.

oh he-LLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*sees you, tail starts wagging, all sorts of stomping and other general excitement*


*sits quietly for pets*

yes yes thank you this is the most wonderful

*but keeps jumping up to boop you because she’s just too excited*

ok FOLKS we have something to talk about.

yesterday, after daycare (yes i go to daycare it is great fun we all run around in the room together and sniff one another’s butts i am told there is a live stream of it somewhere on the internet if you want to behold our majesty), Maizie’s person said, “I don’t know who Fargo likes more—dogs or people.” and i think i should address that.

I DON’T KNOW EITHER both are so fun

with people, you get pets and sometimes treats. they also have all sorts of interesting smells that you simply do not get in the dog world because dogs do not do things like put on lotion or ride on very many airplanes. they are much more likely to give you food than dogs are, and they praise you, which is very very fun.

but dogs will wrassle you. and they will chase you without yelling “NO FARGO NO DROP IT trade trade trade.” and they are rarely offended if you jump on them or you sniff their butt.

so…i am undecided. and until i make a decision (which may be never), i will continue to treat sightings of either with full-on ecstasy, as is my protocol.

ok i am going back to playing it is Buckeye’s birthday today and his person brought us all treats.

Fargo is a dog. She is our dog.
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