A Note About Our Sunday Essays

First off, a little thank you. As we approach the end of the Sunday Essays, we’ve gotten a lot of kind feedback on them, and that’s humbling and flattering and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed reading them. I’ve enjoyed writing them. I also am going to miss them.

The Sunday Essays, for reasons I’ll spell out a little more in Sunday’s Essay, were always intended to be one combined work. Loosely associated, yes, but combined. One year of essays. That was always the plan. That remains the plan. We won’t be extending the Sunday Essays, at least under that name, and I’ll probably take at least a week off from them, especially since the dog’s getting spayed next Tuesday and we aren’t really sure what that week’s going to look like as she heals up and gets used to the cone of shame.

All of that said, we hear you, you like that kind of product, and since we enjoy producing it, we’ll find a way to produce something similar. We don’t know exactly what yet, and it’ll quite likely be more intermittent and it’ll quite likely come in a lot of different forms and it won’t be exclusively on Sundays, but we’ll try to clue you in on when it’s coming so it doesn’t get lost in the wash.

Again, thanks for all the support. We’ve heard you through the clicks and the words alike, and we appreciate them both. Hopefully Sunday’s is a satisfying conclusion.

Editor. Occasional blogger. Seen on Twitter, often in bursts: @StuartNMcGrath
Posts created 394

2 thoughts on “A Note About Our Sunday Essays

  1. one year, 502 long-form descriptions of Fargo’s poop. you know, really challenge yourself.

    1. meant “52” but i like 502 better. give us 502 posts on posterior droppings.

      give the people what they want.

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